Friday, September 26, 2008

Citizen Kane

One scene from Citizen Kane that really stuck out was the scene where Kane and Suzanne are in their "tent", which appears to me to be the size of a normal house, having an argument. This is not the first time they've had an argument and you can really tell the friction between them. While everyone is outside enjoying the night air, the fire and the catered food they are shut in in their tent arguing. Which is exactly the problem with these two. Like Suzanne said "I don't know many people" and Kane replies "I know too many people. I guess we're both lonely". All day and night they're cooped up in Xanadu, not making much contact with anyone in the outside world. All the while they're driving themselves crazy. Suzanne just sits inside all day doing jigsaw puzzles and Kane collects statues.
The scene in the "tent" shows the true relationship between Suzanne and Kane. The cinematography reveales and amplifies the body language between the two. Suzanne is shot from a high angle making her seem weak and powerless while Kane is shot from a low angle making him seem looming and powerful. All the while the scene is shot from low key lighting making everything seem intense. There is a powerstruggle between Kane and Suzanne, Suzanne is always fighting to be free and Kane is constantly shooting her down with one liners and powerful posture. All these elements add up to a perfect view of their relationship in one little scene.

For more on this scene and more about Citizen Kane visit

Monday, September 22, 2008


Movies or "moving pictures" as they were called in the old days, have always been a source of entertainment for people of all creeds, colors and ages. Movies are definitely the great unifier. Ask someone about their favorite movie and they could talk for hours. Not to mention the movie business is a multi-billion dollar industry. People from all over the world will come and drop a ridiculous amount of money to watch a movie they really love. And add on to the box office merchandise and DVD sales. Personally i love movies because they can let me leave one world and enter a new magical/mysterious one filled with anything the directors heart desired. I think that's why most people love movies. It's a great way to blow off some steam and forget about the troubles of the real world. As Dane Cook once said, "Who hates movies? Who doesn't love cinematic adventures?!". I would have to agree with this young gentleman. Everyone loves movies and everyone loves art of film!