Thursday, March 26, 2009

2001 A Space Odyssey

No surprise here as Kubrick makes another movie with an odd twist on an age old story, evolution. The movie opens on a tribe back in primitive times finding the first "tool" from then it launches into the future on a spaceship orbiting around in space. This space ship is sent out to research a buried monolithic TMA-1. Aboard the ship are five scientists and a supercomputer named HAL. Along the way HAL creates a communications failure in an attempt to murder the five scientists. Bowman is the only one who survives, manages to break back into the ship and destroys the super computer.
After the super computer is destroyed, the story really starts to get interesting. Bowman finds the purpose of his mission and all about the monoliths. He then traverses time and space to complete his mission. After maneuvering tunnels of sound and light he then finds himself in a large white room where he begins aging rapidly. He then transforms into some baby/fetus creature rapped in a large glowing orb that begins orbiting earth. 
From the sound of my review alone you should know this is a Kubrick movie. What other director can make a movie as messed up as this? I mean this thing was freaky deaky! This isn't to say that this was a bad movie, i was just a little confused at times and a little weirded out at times. No huge shocker here. But Kubrick's use of diegetic and non diegetic sound in this movie is poetry. I mean who wouldn't love a sci-fi movie with a Johann Strauss soundtrack? Not to mention the unmistakable and one of the most famous opening scenes ever. I will say tho that this film definitely drags on at times and some of the tracking shots could be maybe two minutes instead of a whole five. I think back to the black market scene in stray dog. I think all Kubrick's movies have this quality tho and that's what makes him, him. Some of the shots in this movie are phenomenal. For it's time the space land scapes look very realistic and the spaceships actually look like they're floating in the vacuums of space. Kubrick definitely has his own touch and flair that he adds to any piece which truly makes him an auteur in his own league.